Productivity is everything, so it seems. I see hundreds of charts, planners and notebooks for tracking progress around home, health, career and relationship achievements. Tools to maximize time and motivate us to do all we can do. Efficiency, organization and maximization are benchmarks of success.
But are we so focused on doing well, that we aren’t being well. How do we respond when someone or something gets between us and one of our productivity goals? Do we see and hear? Do we have patience and grace? Or are we so focused on checking our boxes that we forget to be the type of person we are called to be while doing the things we’re called to do.
Over and over again through scripture, we see God prioritize a person’s heart, motivation and character.
God is more interested in us being the people He created us to be - people who image His likeness to the world - than He is in us accomplishing things “for Him.”
This becoming is brought by the Holy Spirit, and through a rhythm of spiritual disciplines. The spiritual disciplines are the method of the life of Christ, the means of imitation.
We have created a guide to employ these disciplines in daily life. The guide is a challenge to do hard things, like practice patience and forgiveness, gratitude and generosity. Because the measure determines everything. The scale of how you weigh success in life can change futility to productivity or productivity to futility. Let’s use scripture as our scale and set our intentions on eternity.